4FT Free Standing Targeted Training Boxing Bag | MaxStrength

4FT Free Standing Targeted Training Boxing Bag | MaxStrength
- High quality and durable 3 Layers material, ECO friendly PU, cushioned fabric, and foam around steel bar.
- Designed for schools, clubs, training, and household uses.
- Allow you to have a large surface for Punching and Kicking with Numbers to follow.
- Great Exercise for upper body muscles and high and low kicks.
- Excellent for workouts, develop hand-eye coordination skills.
- Shock absorption high dense inner layer with upper soft foam layer padding.
- Great for throwing punches and making combinations without the need for a partner.
- Ultra-Stable base.
- Perfect for boxing, punching, and sparring training.
- Ideal for Gyms and Boxing Clubs.
- Ideal for Home Use.
- Free Standing Punch Bag Total Height is 116cm (Approximately 4ft)
- Punch Bag Height: 75cm
- Punch Bag Circumference: 75.36cm
- Connector: 18cm
- Base Height: 23cm
- Base Circumference: 150.72cm
MaxStrength 4ft Standing Boxing Bag High-quality Freestanding Punch Bag that are made of PU leather have extra ordinary strength and durable for use. The punch bags are carefully stitched and checked for every detail makes that to the premium standard. Our exceptional quality free standing punch bags are the best selection for UK gyms and boxing clubs, also it is great training for developing skills on punching, lower and upper kicking, and sparring. Ideal for ladies or kids, teenagers’ workout, and it is rather excellent for boxing, practicing, punching, and kicking to help improvements.
The use of Standing Boxing Bag is very simple, and it doesn't take up space, it is perfect for strength training.
Pedestal Style Freestanding Punch Bag
No more holes in the wall, Say bye to the hanging Punchbag and switch to our heavy-duty Freestanding Punchbag that comes with a base that can be filled with water or sand.
Easy Assemble or Disassemble:
MaxStrength Freestanding Punch bags can easily be assembled or disassembled if need to. They come in secure packaging of one box with all the necessary screws and tools to assemble with instructions. Once assembled it stands 4ft in height and gives you ample punching and kicking area.
Recommended Use:
Our Bags are strong enough to be used at the ease of your home or Gym owners can use them in their studio.
Customers’ satisfaction is our primary concern. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our product, we will refund your money without asking any questions. Just click on the “Add to Cart” button and enjoy a risk-free purchase.
Why should you order this product?
When it comes to our customer's satisfaction, we want them to pay for nothing but the best. That’s why we work only with premium quality and durable materials and professional that is guaranteed to pass your high expectations.
MaxStrength Satisfaction Guaranteed
We want you to be completely satisfied. If you are in any way dissatisfied we’ll refund your money. No questions asked.100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – Customer satisfaction is our primary concern. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our product, we will refund your money without asking any questions. Just click on the “Add to Cart” button and enjoy a risk-free purchase. Recommended Use – Our Bags are strong enough to be used at the ease of your home or Gym owners can use them in their studio. Easy Assemble or Disassemble – MaxStrength Freestanding Punch bags can easily be assembled or disassembled if need to. They come in secure packaging of one box with all the necessary screws and tools to assemble with instructions. Once assembled it stands 4ft in height and gives you ample punching and kicking area.
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